Brent Todd Works

Brent Todd

Brent Todd was born and raised in Utah, a love of the outdoors led Brent Todd to painting what he loves the most, the wildlife of the mountainous West. Brent’s countless experiences in the mountains throughout his life have contributed a great deal to his artwork. According to Brent, "I try to create more than just a portrait of an animal by depicting it in the beauty of its natural habitat. I think the habitat adds more feeling to the painting and gives the viewer a sense of being there as well." Mood is essential in a painting and Brent strives to achieve this by paying attention to the colors found in nature. He is also well known for his accuracy in painting the anatomical correctness of the animals. Ultimately Brent says, "I have a great desire to preserve the natural beauty of our wilderness through brush and canvas. I hope my work inspires this love in others."

Brent’s artwork has gained the recognition and respect of collectors across the country. He is an annual favorite at the Foundation for North American Wild Sheep (FNAWS) convention where he has received several "People’s Choice" and "Artist of the Year" awards over the years. Brent also won the Wyoming Conservation Stamp contest in 2001.